dinner night?? wow!!!

dinner night?? wow!!!
cantik, glamorous, dress


sunsets, beach, sea, coconut tree

evening on the beach

evening on the beach
beach, alone, sea, sky, way

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


okep. segale problem da settle. nothing remains undone. included our ealier problem that i mentioned in my previous entry. at least, thats what i thought. until i noticed that she is the one who remained silent  berween us after we faced and had a talk, well, obviously to settle that pobz.da la cara ckap macam die ada je masa kejadian tak diingini tu berlaku. xkisah la. becoz i remembered she said that she would feel awkward to talk to people who she thought might angry at her. so i let her be. 
tapi, xbez la kan kalo diam jeee tak tentu hala. so, to break the ice, i talked to her. biasala. pinjam2 barang tu sebagai modal.
tapi die jawab nak tak nak je.
nampak macam die plak yang terlebih marah kat aku
aku buat bodo je la. aku da tegur, mknanya aku da tak marah la tu. ye tak..
hari 2nd, aku buat biasa je. sebab pada aku, benda yang lepas tak baik dikenang-kenang.cewah.
( da macam org tua la pulak. tapi xpe. jiwa muda sentiasa remaja)
sooo many times i tried to talk to her but  if not " umm.." it would be " aa...ummm.." were her  answers.
ada la sometimes tu ayat panjang. tapi sekali dua je la..
okep.tu da lebih rasenye.
so, i refrained myself from talking to her. while watching her reaction. i avoided her. i ignored her. but later, to show to her that im still the old me, so, i talked to her again. same nodded and same answer really annoyed me after all. 
ok, maybe it was u who's having the problem. its not me. let us see how it will work out. 
i wish u enjoy the silence u built between us., and again, to remind u that this is the 2nd silence u start.
its not me, its u.
its  simple but u make it complicated.
 kalo da suka sangat diam, jadila macam ni...

 hopefully she wouldnt be like this..........

wish u the best!!
well,u r d best silencer anyway......

P/s:: time taip entry ni mood tak stabil..biasa la...pompuan..haih~~~
( gile.. macam aku ni laki jekkkk)

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